Our Objectives
The Charity has three main objectives: We aim to help children with registered Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disabilities to develop and become the best they can in their lives. To give the families some respite time so that they can focus on activities that are very difficult normally. To employ and train Play Assistants aged from 16 years and upwards in paediatric care and development.
Make a Donation
You can make a real difference by giving a one-off donation today or even setting up a regular gift. Every penny will go towards helping us provide the best possible care and activities for our young people. Just some of the things your donation will help us provide:
Running costs
Refreshments & ingredients for cookery sessions
Sensory equipment
Toys, games & sports gear
Funds for day trips and excursions
If you’d prefer to donate via BACs or set up a standing order, please find below ASNP’s bank details:
NatWest Bank
Sort Code: 01-01-23
Account Number: 86139134
Please use your full name as the reference which will appear on our bank statement. If you could give us an email letting us know your details so we know to expect the income.
“Since finding his feet, our son has come on in leaps and bounds, now approaching people and even finding the courage to welcome new children to the sessions”
- 197 Brighton Road, Lancing,
West Sussex BN15 8JB - 07788 239634
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