
ASNP is a Dedicated Team of Appropriately Qualified Staff & Invaluable Volunteers

Adur Special Needs Project is an equal opportunities registered charity which provides much needed out-of-school respite care and play schemes for children aged five to 15 years with special/additional support needs, and/or physical disabilities from Adur.

Offering a Saturday play scheme held at Herons Dale Primary School, Hawkins Crescent, Shoreham on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month during school term times, ASNP supports local children in a wide range of challenging and fun activities, designed to grow their self-confidence, sense of self-esteem, and communication skills.

All services offered by ASNP are facilitated by a dedicated team made up of appropriately qualified staff and invaluable volunteers who have given up their free time to help with the young people who make use of the project.

In order to provide safe, stimulating, supportive, and fun service for its members, Adur Special Needs Project has outlined a clear statement of aims & objectives which are:

  1. Provide a safe, secure and fun play scheme for children with Special Needs and Disabilities;
  2. Provide the children’s families with respite time;
  3. Provide anyone 16 years of age and above with part-time employment and volunteering opportunities


What does Adur Special Needs Project Do?2019-09-18T13:03:54+01:00

Adur Special Needs Project is an Ofsted inspected registered charity which runs out of school clubs specifically for children and young people with a range of special/additional needs in the West Sussex area. Whilst the children are with us and enjoying their activities, their families and carers can enjoy valuable respite.

We run a weekend play scheme which currently operates out of Herons Dale Primary School in Shoreham-by-Sea. This takes place on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month during school term times, starting at 9.30am and finishing at 3pm. Activities include bouncy castle, free play, arts and craft, cooking, music and music workshops, outdoor play, sensory room activities, minibus outings.

Where are the activities based?2019-09-18T13:06:28+01:00

Herons Dale Primary School, Hawkins Crescent, Shoreham-by-Sea BN43 6TN.

Who does your service provide for?2019-09-18T13:07:01+01:00

Our age ranges are: Weekend play scheme: 5 years – 15 years, inclusive.

Anybody with special/additional needs can apply to join one of our groups; members do not need to be referred or statemented. We are happy to consider anybody as a member but whilst we have first aid training we cannot currently cater for members who require medical care and assistance.

How can I start using the service?2019-10-31T07:42:38+00:00

Anybody can apply to join our groups. Members do not need to be referred or statemented to be eligible for membership.

Our weekend play scheme costs £30 per day session.

Weekend play scheme costs can, under some circumstances, be funded by referring authorities. We do have a waiting list for children who would like to join us.

How are decisions made about who can use your service?2019-09-18T13:08:09+01:00

We run to guidelines laid out in our Constitution. Criteria for membership are broadly laid out on this site, but ultimately it will be the Trustees’ decision as to who is eligible for membership. Further clarification can be given upon application.

How do you communicate with service users and how are they involved in decision making and planning?2019-09-18T13:08:54+01:00

Due to the nature of our service in many instances members are not involved in decision making and planning on a day-to-day basis. However, we actively encourage input from parents and carers as to activities that we might consider undertaking. We offer equal opportunities for all our members. Currently we do not have any members who communicate by signing, etc, but we seek to involve and engage all members at whatever level they are at. At the present moment we do not have any members or families whose first language is not English.

At the end of every session there is the opportunity for parents and carers to speak to staff about how the session has gone and how their child is doing.

Is your service fully accessible?2019-09-18T13:09:29+01:00

The buildings we operate from are fully wheelchair accessible. We have disabled changing and toilet facilities at Herons Dale School. Most of our members require 1:1 assistance and therefore our staffing levels are high in order to facilitate this.

What training has been given to the staff supporting children and young people with SEND and what training is planned for the future?2019-10-31T07:43:07+00:00

Our staff are fully qualified to look after children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Our senior supervisors are required to have relevant Level 3 qualifications. All staff are required to have Safeguarding and Child Protection Training. We also have some specialist trained staff in PEG feeding and Administering Medication. We have a training programme underway for the current year and staff training requirements are looked at as part of our budgeting and planning processes.

Who can I contact for further information?2019-09-18T13:11:58+01:00

If there is a specific incident or issue arising at, or relevant to, a session, the first person to speak to is the session supervisor who will try to deal with the matter (according to its nature) then and there before s/he reports back to the Administrator and Trustees.

General enquiries should be directed to the Administrator on 07788 239634 or emailed to info@adurspecialneedsproject.org.uk.

ASPN Explained

Meet The Team

We have a wealth of knowledge in our Management Team. Our Trustees have a huge amount of experience in running Charities, Public bodies and Private Sector businesses.

They have worked within public services (including schools & Councils), Blue Chip Companies and set up their own businesses. Our Play Scheme Supervisory team are all qualified to level 3 in a relevant field of expertise and experienced practitioners in the paediatric care sector.

Heidi Rush

Trustee – Chair

Jon Rush

Trusee – Treasurer

Andrew Davis

Trustee – Secretary

Valerie Trevor

Safeguarding Lead Trustee

Jonathan Hodgson


Kimberly Young

Play Scheme Supervisor
Safeguarding Lead in Play Scheme

Kerrie Deacon

Deputy Play Scheme Supervisor

“The play scheme has given our son the time and space to grow and develop in confidence and social skills. He loves his time there and has forged firm friendships”

Sponsors & Funders

Here are some of our wonderful and generous Sponsors and Funders over the recent years:

Orange lodge

Need a Helping Hand?

Get in Touch

For the care, recreation and education of children and young people who have special needs. Registered Charity No. 1088423.

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