Stage Production 2024
Would Your Child Like to be Involved in a Stage Production?
Adur Special Needs Project (The Charity) is putting on a stage show on the 6th of July 2024. If you have a child between the ages of 8 and 18 with SEND in the Adur area, then we would love to hear from you.
What Does The Stage Production Involve?
From 20th April 2024, we are running six Stage Production Workshops followed by a Public Show on the following dates in 2024:
Sat 20th April – All Workshops at Herons Dale School, Hawkins Crescent, Shoreham-By-Sea
Sat 4th May
Sat 18th May
Sat 1st June
Sat 15th June
Sat 29th June
Sat 6th July – Public Show at the Ropetackle Arts Centre, Shoreham-By-Sea
Each Workshop will run from 9:30 to 15:30 each Saturday with breaks for lunch and snacks. Participants in the show will need to arrive at the Ropetackle at 9:00am.
The Workshops will consist of three sessions being Music, Drama & Arts and Prop-Making. These sessions will be managed and run by skilled professional workshop leaders under the supervision of Artistic Director, Andrew Quartermain, from the Pro Corda Organisation.
The show will be available for all family members to attend as well as the community of Adur. Admission to the show will be free of charge.
If you would like your child to be involved the Parent /Guardian must apply directly to the Charity. Failure to do this will mean your child will not be admitted.
Who Can Apply?
If you live in the Adur District or surrounding areas and have an SEND child between the ages of 8 – 18, then they can apply by e-mailing us at to request an Application Form. Once you have completed the Application Form, please return it by email to
Alternatively, please post it to:
Linda Francis
Adur Special Needs Project
197 Brighton Road
West Sussex
BN15 8JB
All application forms must be returned no later than 2nd of April 2024. We will let you know if your child has been successful no later than Saturday 13th April 2024.
How Much Will it Cost?
Although Adur Special Needs Project is a charity and the event is being largely funded by us, we do still require a nominal one-off fee for your child’s entry of £180.00 to cover all Workshop sessions. The Show itself is being funded by the Charity.
Please note that this fee is payable in full upon your application being accepted. No refunds can be given for workshops missed for any reason whatsoever.
Terms & Conditions
All Terms and Conditions apply.
- Children must be between the ages of 8 and 18.
- Children must have some form of recognised SEND disability.
- Places will be allocated up to a maximum of 24 children.
- If the Workshops are over-subscribed, places will be given to Adur-based children first.
- The Charity will operate a waiting list for children who wish to join.
- All fees must have been paid to The Charity no later than the 18th of April 2024, otherwise the place will be released and offered to anyone on the waiting list.
- Places will be confirmed on a “first to pay” basis. Failure to pay will mean your child’s place being released to a child on the waiting list.
- No attendance monies paid to The Charity will be refunded under any circumstances.
- The Parent/Guardian will be responsible for providing their child’s packed lunch for each session. The Charity will provide drinks and snacks.
- Any child who needs 1-2-1 support MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian or Personal Assistant.
- The event will be filmed for promotional purposes to be used by Adur Special Needs Project. If you do not wish your child to be filmed, you must let the Charity know before 20th April 2024.
- Any child who misbehaves or wilfully disrupts the workshops will be asked not to return. This decision will be made by the Project Lead and The Charity’s Supervisor. Their decision is final.
- Any breakages of equipment, instruments or property due to wilful negligence or vandalism must be refunded to the Charity by the parent/guardian.
- The Charity reserves the right to be able to contact parents or guardians to discuss their child’s needs prior to confirmation of acceptance for the workshops and show.
- If The Charity feels that your child is not suited to the workshops, then The Charity’s Trustees reserve the right to decline your child’s application. The Trustees’ decision is final.
- By taking part, the parents/guardians confirm there are no restrictions on their children being photographed or filmed for the purposes of promotion and communication. The image content will be used to promote the programme on Social Media platforms, at The Charity’s events and the Charity’s website.
- The Charity accepts no liability whatsoever, other than that which it is required to accept by law, for any injury or hurt that may occur at the Workshops or Show.